There is a saying that you cannot lead someone to a place you have never been.  This is absolutely true when it comes to discipleship.  Wherever you are in your relationship with Christ, “The Disciples’ 25” is a great resource for you to review and learn.  It will be help you to prepare not only to personally grow your spiritual life as you prepare and through the summer as you serve, but it will also help to prepare you to lead others as well.

To download or print “The Disciples’ 25” click here: TheDisciple25

Some ideas to use with “The Disciples’ 25”

  • Walk through this material with a friend.
  • Read through at least 2 of these 25 Biblical principles each week between now and summer.  Discuss with a friend or a small group.
  • As you prepare to make disciples, pray through each of these principles individually.
  • Which of these principles do you struggle with in your own spiritual life?  Ask someone from your prayer team to specifically pray for you in that area as you prepare for the summer and as you serve.


Discipleship and Spiritual Growth

“Discipleship is not an option. Jesus says that if anyone would come after me, he must follow me.”

Tim Keller