Fully Funded Opportunities

Georgia is our proverbial Jerusalem. Missions for us will always begin here. Students serving in Georgia will be reimbursed for one round trip between home and the place of service. Field costs are usually covered by the place of service.

Applications for fully funded opportunities are due no later than November 30.


I have a deeper understanding of what living missionally looks like and how to do so anywhere in the world. I am excited to bring these things back to my campus!

Hannah Slocum
Norway Summer Missionary
Georgia Institute of Technology


My experience helped me grow in my personal walk with God as I had to trust Him to provide in every moment. God showed me how to be more spiritually aware of my surroundings, especially back on my campus.

Erin Whitfield
Romania Summer Missionary
Georgia College & State University


I will continue to live missionally on my college campus. I plan on being more intentional in meeting people of the LDS background at UGA. I am also contemplating doing more mission work in Utah and possibly moving long-term to an area with a large LDS population to help with a church plant and to live missionally.

Carrie Keown
GenSend Utah Summer Missionary
University of Georgia


This experience taught me that I need to get out of my comfort zone and do what God might be calling me to do. Each situation taught me that I shouldn’t let discomfort hinder my ability to serve.

Samuel Ayeni
Indianapolis Summer Missionary
Kennesaw State University


I learned how difficult it is when sharing the gospel when there is a language barrier; therefore, I was able to develop my ability to share the gospel in a simpler manner.

Mark Warren
Romania Summer Missionary
Valdosta State University

Advancing the gospel on every campus in Georgia by making disciples of students who become life-long disciple makers.